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SIMAX Configuration Training


Our training sessions are adapted to individuals with disabilities, tailored to their specific needs.

Informations :

    • Title: SIMAX Administration Training
    • Duration (days): 6
    • Duration (hours): 42
    • Target Audience: Administrators
    • Prerequisite: A minimum score of 10/20 on the “Would I Be a Good No-Coder?” test


    • Learn to create and add fields
    • Learn to create filters in lists
    • Learn to create menus
    • Learn to create and link forms
    • Learn to create display rules (field status control, formatting)
    • Learn to create field templates
    • Learn to create calculations
    • Learn to use simple functions
    • Learn to manage permissions and usage controls
    • Learn to create form layout templates
    • Learn to create statistics
    • Learn to create imports and exports
    • Learn to create queries
    • Learn to automate actions
    • Learn to generate a configuration file


    • 1-day training: €990 (excl. VAT)
    • 6-day training package: 4950€ HT €4950 (excl. VAT) (includes 1 free day for evaluation)
    • 1-day inter-company training: €490 (excl. VAT) per person
    • 6-day inter-company training package: €1950 (excl. VAT) per person (includes 1 free day for evaluation)

For integrators:

  • €390 (excl. VAT)  per person for e-learning training, equivalent to the certification exam
formation en parametrage

Evaluation Method:

Before the training, a logic test will be used to ensure that prerequisites are met. Throughout the training, small practical case studies conducted with the instructor will assess the trainees’ skill progression.

At the end of the training, a full day will be dedicated to a comprehensive configuration test covering all modules, allowing for validation of the acquired skills.

The modules
Common core – Use of SIMAX (2h)
  1. Login to SIMAX
  2. Composition of the workspace
    1. Workspace
    2. Workspace – menu area
    3. Workspace – Menu and icon bar
    4. Workspace – Action bar
    5. Workspace – Customizing the menu area
    6. Workspace – Work area
    7. Workspace – Docked/floating mode
    8. Workspace – Current actions
  3. List/form mode
  4. Lists
    1. Lists – Areas
    2. Lists – Filters area
    3. Lists – Requests
    4. Lists – Display/Hide columns
    5. Lists – Cascading entry
    6. Lists – Duplicate/Merge
    7. Lists – Buttons areas
    8. Lists – Imports/Exports
    9. Lists – Calculationss
    10. Lists – Ghosts
  5. Forms
    1. Form
    2. Form – Data saving
  6. Undo – redo
  7. Questions/Answers
Common core – Use of SIMAX (2h)

1. Login to SIMAX

2. Composition of the workspace

1. Workspace
2. Workspace – menu area
3. Workspace – Menu and icon bar
4. Workspace – Action bar
5. Workspace – Customizing the menu area
6. Workspace – Work area
7. Workspace – Docked/floating mode
8. Workspace – Current actions

3. List/form mode

4. Lists

1. Lists – Areas
2. Lists – Filters area
3. Lists – Requests
4. Lists – Display/Hide columns
5. Lists – Cascading entry
6. Lists – Duplicate/Merge
7. Lists – Buttons areas
8. Lists – Imports/Exports
9. Lists – Calculationss
10. Lists – Ghosts

5. Forms

1. Form
2. Form – Data saving

6. Undo – redo

7. Questions/Answers

Module P1 – SIMAX administration presentation (1h)






5.Field model



8.Access right

9.Edition models

10.Import and export

11.View and summary table


2.Relationship diagram

Module P2 – Build – Create fields and forms (3hours)
  1.  Customizable forms
    1. Add a field
    2. The different types of fields
    3. Case study
    4. Fields templates to know
  2. Arrange the fields
  3. Modify a field
    1. Modify a field – Method I
    2. Modify a field – Method II
    3. Case study
      1. Mandatory entries
      2. List display
      3. Form display
      4. Included in the title
      5. Propagation
  4. Use edit mode
  5. Invalid and ghost record
  6. Create tabs/separators
    1. Create tabs/separators
    2. Case study
  7. Multicolumn layout
    1. Multicolumn layout
    2. Case study
  8. Maintenance
    1. Maintenance
    2. Case study
  9. Customize the menus
    1. Customize the menus
    2. Create a menu option
    3. Arrange a menu
  10. Customizing list filters
    1. Add a filter – Method I
    2. Add a filter – Method II
    3. Add a filter – Filter functionality
    4. Add a filter – to be confirmed
  11. Create a form
    1. Create a form
    2. Case study
  12. Link two forms
    1. Link two forms – Simple link
    2. Link two forms – List
    3. Link two forms – Cross-link or group
    4. Case study
  13. Conclusion on SIMAX intelligence
  14. Questions/Answers
C Module P3 – Ergonomics and field templates (3hours)
  1. Reminders
    1. Invisible and mandatory field
    2. Customize the menus
    3. Multicolumn layout
    4. Case study
    5. Customize list filters
    6. Case study
    7. List/form display/ fiche
    8. Case study
  2. Field state control
    1. Field state control
    2. Case study
  3. Conditional formatting
    1. Conditional formatting
    2. Case study
  4. List display mode
    1. List display mode
    2. Case study
  5. Case study – Playing with field templates
    1. Playing with field templates – Dropdown list
    2. Playing with field templates – Template with unit
    3. Playing with field templates – number of characters
    4. Playing with field templates – number of decimals
    5. Playing with field templates – Long text
    6. Playing with field templates – Element
  6. Replacement button
    1. Replacement button
    2. Case study
  7. Customization checklist
  8. Questions/Answers
Module P4 – Build – Calculations (3hours)
  1. Simple calculations and formulas
    • Different types of calculations
    • Calculations
    • Simple formulas
    • Case study
  2. Calculations modification
    • Calculations modification
    • Dependency graph
    • Stored or recalculated calculations
    • Phase data
    • Case study
  3. Functions to know
    • Functions to know – Conditions
    • Case study
    • Functions to know – Dates
    • Case study
    • Functions to know – Text
    • Case study
    • Functions to know – Numbers
    • Functions to know – Conversations
    • Functions to know – Lists
    • Focus on the Selection function
    • Case study
    • Column function (or COL)
    • Case study
    • Various Functions to know
  4. Retrieve a unique identifier
  5. Reminder : Maintenance
    • Maintenance
    • Case study
  6. Questions/Answers
Module P5 – Editing the basics (2hours)
  1. Editing – the basics
    1. Printouts
    2. Case study s
    3. The different templates
    4. Simple tags
  2. 2. Editing templates
    1. Generation of an editing template
    2. Starting from a document
    3. Case study
    4. Editing tips
    5. Case study
    6. Editing in PDF
    7. Multiple templates
    8. Case study
    9. List and form templates
    10. Case study
    11. Name and directory of the output file
    12. Editing in HTML
  3. Questions/Answers
Module P6 – Import/Export (2h)
  1. Import
    1. Methodology – Definitions
      1. One-time import
      2. Regular import
      3. Data transformation
      4. Launching a one-time import
    2. Preparing an Import
      1. Preparing an Import
      2. Description of source data
      3. Data in an XML file
    3. Importing the line number
    4. Launching an Import
    5. Useful Questions
  2. Export
    1. Exporting Data –Custom Export
    2. Specifics
    3. Export to the end of an existing Excel/CSV file
    4. Empty line at the end of export
    5. Standard export
    6. Custom export
    7. Export to a database
    8. Questions/Answers
Module P7 – Control (2hours)
  1. Validity check
  2. Action control
  3. Question/Answers
Module P8 – Rights (2hours)
  1. Rights management
    1. Users
    2. User group
    3. Rights
    4. Best practices
    5. Action controls
  2. Questions/Answers
Module P9 – Automation – The Basics (3hours)
1. Automation – The Basics


2.Automation on action

3.Automatic message sending

4.Case study

5.Column operation

6.Case study

7.Launching actions

8.Case study

9.Opening screen or not

10.Case study

11.Loop automation

12.Case study

13.Automation on time-based events

14.Trigger action for automation

15.Case study

16.Parameter management

17.Case study

18.Execution order

19.Automation report

2. Questions/Answers

Module P10 – Advanced Configuration – Statistics (2hours)

1. Summary tables and statistics

1. Create a summary table

2. Create an axis

3. Create a calculation

4. Case study


2. Functions to know

3. Questions/Answers

Module P11A – Advanced Configuration – Build – Inheritance and Queries (1hour)
  1. Form inheritance
    1. Form inheritance
    2. Form inheritance – planning
  2. Queries
    1. Introduction to a query
    2. Creating a query
Module P11B – Advanced configuration – Advanced Editing (2hours)

1. Reminder of simple tags

1. Reminder of tags for lists
2. Form tag
3. ENREG tag
4. Case study
5. Custom form tag
6. Break tags
7. Case study
8. Tags for summary tables
9. Case study
10. Graph tags
11. Case study
12. Editing tips
13. Space-saving tips
14. Print action


2. Questions/Answers

Module P12 - Advanced Configuration - Advanced Automation (3 hours)

1. Reminders : automations
                1. Automations
                2. Automations on action
                3. Automation trigger action2. Loop automations
                1. Loop value
                2. Loop index
                3. Double loop automation
                4. Case study

3. Deduced automation
                1. Deduced automations
                2. Deduced automations– how to block them
4. Automation context
                1. Automation context
                2. Using context for trigger recording
                3. Case study

5. Parameter management
                1. School case automation – loop on a parameter
                2. Case study
6. Error message
                1.School case automation – Error and nothing
                2.Case study
                3. School case automation – create if not exists
                4. Case study
7. Custom automations
8. Transactional automations
9. Scheduled automations
10. Automation and Rights
11. Automation at SIMAX startup
12. Night and End-of-Month Processing

Module P13 – SMX Management (1hour)

1. Data and configuration storage

2. Working in multiple environments

3. Generate a global SMX file

4. Generate a differential SMX

5. Adding an element to an SMX

Module P14 – Practical Application and Evaluation

A full-day case study conducted independently will serve to validate the mastery of these modules.

Exercise 13 within this study is an advanced-level exercise designed to assess a level of excellence. Should there be any errors or difficulties with this exercise, the instructor may assist the trainee.

The other exercises should not present major challenges if the trainee has followed the training as expected.

Disability Coordinator: Miren LAFOURCADE 

Educational and Quality Coordinator: Lina FULBERT 

Updated on March 20, 2023

Training Satisfaction Report
  • Client Satisfaction: 9/10
  • Trainee Satisfaction: 9/10
    • with a survey response rate of 13%
    • The number of trainees from april 01, 2023 to jully 01, 2024 is 23
    • The dropout rate is 8.7%, due to lack of interest in No Code and medical leave

January 01, 2023 – Updated january 01,2024

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